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So the program treats both the arrow keys and the numpad keys as the same thing, both with numlock on, and with numlock off. This seems like a bug.

it is! it'll be fixed in the next update.

Any idea when that is coming out?

no exact date yet, though i'm aiming to get it done before the month ends. no guarantees tho!

Absolutely love this, my group have started using this for DnD!

Just wondering though, I made a simple frame animation of my character as a gif but no matter how many times I try to upload it to the player - it doesn't work.

Is there any limitations or anything like that?
(it is 5 frames long, 900x900 and 985kbs, if that helps)

huh! a gif like that should work normally. would you mind sending me the gif so that i can test it? you can pm me on twitter @olmewe if you want!

Will this ever be available on mac?

eventually! i'll be working on it whenever i can

hello this version works on x86 bits?

probably not, veadotube relies on x64 plugins. i can't guarantee x86 support :0


hello I have a problem with the app for the pc and that from what I see the application only works with windows 64 bits, the problem it tells me is to verify which operating system my pc needs if the x86 or x64 and I know that the mio has the x86 miniOS but does not take it into account.

i'm not sure if i understood your problem! veadotube apparently doesn't work with x86 tho, i can only guarantee x64 support.

Deleted post

It doesn't recognize my mic at all. It shows up in the device menu but other than that it doesn't pick up any sound at all. Everything else works fine with my mic but this. I don't know if it's a problem with my mic or this lol

huh! there's a chance that your computer didn't give veadotube permission to use your can check that on your windows settings > privacy > microphone and then let veadotube use it. it could also be some other problem with windows. in general, veadotube uses what unity provides, so it could be a unity bug as well :[

Hi! Can we use this for collabs with discord?

(i could have misunderstood your question, but) mini has no integration with discord voice calls! i do have that planned for the future, but for now you're probably better off with Discord Reactive Images for that.

Heyo this is so amazing and fun to use! Thank you so much for creating it!

I did notice that if I use my arrow keys, they change the expressions as well, despite them not being set up as hot keys. Is there a way to disable this?

(Also thank you for the update on the pink background, my girlfriend has been enjoying this thoroughly since lol)

there's a bug with the numpad + arrow keys, apparently it mixes the two, since the numpad can be used as arrow keys when numlock is off. veadotube apparently doesn't know when it's off tho! there'll be a fix for this soon, but for now avoid using numpad keys for hotkeys if they're giving you issues. sorry for the inconvenience!

No worries, thank you so much for your speedy reply! And for continuing to make this program even better <:

Hello! First of all Great project, (I use google translator an apology) it really is very easy to use and it is the closest thing to vtuber without trying too much.

Well not if this is a mistake or something like that but when I am playing a game, the OC or the character begins to speak for the same noise of the game it is not a big thing but it can turn out to be something uncomfortable that they talk by itself, I wonder if It could be solved. All the best!

veadotube uses the sounds that come from your microphone, so your mic is probably picking up what you're hearing! that's not something i can really fix, but you can try either keeping your microphone not too close to your speaker, or using other microphone/headset.


i'm opening this on my pc and no matter what i do the visuals are just pink or green aside from the little icons? i cant tell if this is a me problem, a unity problem or a bug but im very confused by it


yeah the pink screen is a known bug! it's a unity bug in a way, but i'm sure i can avoid it since the icons are displaying with no problem. it'll be fixed in the next update!


hi! just letting you know the pink screen bugfix update has been released :] lemme know if it works for you now!

oh great!! i'll go check it out, thanks for responding!

is there gonna be a mac version of this?


i was working on a mac build for this release but i had too many issues with it :[ lots of plugins that veadotube uses apparently don't work on catalina and big sur

i'm still looking into it, i kept it as low priority since most ppl stream on windows but it's something i'm gonna tackle soon along with other bugs

It would be nice if it had viseme support through something like the Oculus Lipsync library. It would really set it apart from other 2D vtuber applications.


ah yeah i've been studying that library for a while, but visemes will be integrated into the full version rather than mini :] i'd rather keep mini simpler.


The 1.1 update is so good, thank you! Could I make a couple of suggestions, if you're taking them?

Blink frame support - gifs work very well, but the compression does funny things to some avatars and it'd be nice to be able to use PNGs for everything

Global accessories - a way to attach an accessory to all of the states, (eg adding a hat) only once instead of having to add it to all of the images in every state

Hotkeys for the vibing, shaking and shaking more behaviours

Thank you again for this very useful app.

ah! i considered blink frames for 1.1, but it seemed to complicate the UI further, and i'd like to keep mini simple. i think these features would be great for the full version tho, thank you for the suggestions!

is there any chance that we could get support for mouse button inputs as hotkeys?

oh, definitely, actually! it's not too hard to implement, i just didn't consider it a possibility until now :o thanks for the suggestion!


is the mascot a deer bc "veado"? :P

fr tho, can't wait to test this out, seems like a really unique form of v-tubing

the backgrounds and characters are appearing pink for me.

hmmm yeah that's a known bug on older graphics cards, sorry it didn't work for now. i'm looking into it and i'll post an update when i fix it :]

hi! just letting you know the pink screen bugfix update has been released :] lemme know if it works for you now!


May I ask what the preferred resolution is for pictures? 

(also Tube is very cute ^-^)

it really depends on the stream resolution and layout! tube's avatar is at 900x900, and i think it's a pretty safe avatar resolution, it'll look good in almost all cases. and i'm glad you like them :O !

Thank you for the reply. I might not be able to stream just yet, but I think I could use this for video projects.

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