I dont know how to make it stay on the right/left of your screen and in the window of the game im playing. Also, i dont know how to make the gray into transparent. If you have any tips on how to make it functional, please tell me, that would help alot!
Hey there, I'm here looking for info on the "transparent" setting and stumbled on your comment. Did you figure things out? If not, here's a few tips: Choose one of the basic BG colors. It's fine, believe me.
On OBS (or your streaming program of choice) you need to add a new window or game source (Not sure why I can't get a game source from OBS in Linux. eh). Choose Veadotube Mini and add a chroma key filter on it. Adjust the similarity settings as you see fit depending on your avatar colors.
Make sure the avatar source is on top of the actual game source, so it's showing over your game.
You might need to shrink the avatar down on OBS, just select the source and you can use the highlighted contour to reduce size.
I haven't used it for anything yet. But just saying AAAAA into the microphone and having the deer in the tube cry, as thought I was the deer is already a lot of fun:) Thank you for this:)
I just want to say, I use this program so much! I am so excited to hear of your 2D animation Veadotube. Any word of what quarter of the year it will be released?
As somebody who has been using this amazing program for about half a year, I'd love to suggest some ideas that would be pretty helpful. I understand that some may be complicated and that some may not get in soon (as I'm aware, your current focus is to develop the full version of veadotube), I just want to give a transparent idea on what I'd love to see, in the hopes some of the ideas get into the program in a future:
- A option to create an extra UI window, so you don't have to bring the UI to manually change between states and between .veadomini files for seamless avatar changing. Basically, by adding this option, there would be a UI window that doesn't show on streams. This would allow us to use the UI without ruining the illusion of V-Tubing to anybody.
- State categories. Usually, toggleable accesories take hotkeys, which in my case, I'm limited to the about 10 keys that are very rarely used by PC games, as using XInput confuses a few counted games. Normally, some options in my avatar are "same but with a helmet" which usually duplicates the amount of states, so two hotkeys to swap between these two would save me quite the amount of hotkeys.
- Transition/start images. This specially would help through the use of GIFs to make more alive PNGs. Mostly in-betweens to let users make natural transitions between states. In a personal case, this would save me from one specific issue. To make a helmet's visor open and close, I need a state for both animations, along the open and closed states for expressions, which totals to 10 hotkeys. (help i'm running out of them)
This said, I appreciate this software quite a lot and I wish you luck in developing the full version! I hope it will be as comfortable as veadotube mini is in comparison to basically almost every VTubing program out there. Even if not, I already have veadotube mini, which for me is far than enough.
All good suggestions, but I'm gonna put my personal backing to the "Transition/Start Images" suggestion as I was literally just about to suggest it myself!
It would make the idea I have involving a TV "changing channels" to a new expression so much more doable :)
Yes! Also, it would allow for some cool transition animations with some proper inbetweens. Let's say your character wears a hat and you want to have a hatless version, with an animation where the character removes their hat or puts it on accordingly. This is of course, a simple idea, but think of the many possibilities.
This is where the transitions and state categories can work so amazingly. My main issue is that controller-based keybinds ruin controller-based games (things such as jumping ingame every time you use the "angry" state), while keyboard-based keybinds have the chance of getting in the way of controls (I had to use special characters such as Ñ or Ç for the most important states, and then bind them to a controller with no game support so there is no problem with it. Of course, I'd love to be able to squeeze as much states, as there's only a good few keys that work without getting in the middle of gameplay.
About transitions between expressions, a wee bit of coding on OBS hotkey commands might do that. You code Veadotube to use some unintrusive hotkeys (which might be kinda hard) and make actual hotkeys on OBS, so that when you press the actual expression, it takes notice of what was last pressed, presses a transition key for half a second, and then the actual expression hotkey. This is a bunch of if/else logic with some time windows between them. I have no idea how to make macros or hotkeys work on OBS tho, I just know (or think) they exist :v
I'm running my avatar on Ñ and Ç, so while it could be a useful gimmick, it still works from when the system is aware of said transition, which kinda is a hotkey dilemma. I have the hotkeys mapped in a controller that Veado can't read (SPOILER: it's a quite old model that most modern software doesn't care about so I found a good use to it that way, and personally, I prefer that way, as it doesn't get in the way with games due to it being a controller recognized by the games themselves.
Of course, being able to code the program would be far more useful than adding more hotkeys to the mix, which is kinda my complaint, as there's very few unintrusive hotkeys available. State categories also would make some ideas seamless. For example, with my avatar, I have the option to change the clothes, which means I have to hide my avatar, load the veado file for the other version, and then reveal it so the interface doesn't show (the UI is perfect, but UIs absolutely get in the middle of the purpose of vtubing so having a sort of second window for the UI controls would be absolutely appreciated in a future update)
I gueeeess a stream deck would help with that, but yeah, I get the whole thing with the ui appearing during stream if you put the mouse over the window. Also, I had a few minor problems with hotkeys too, but nothing too bad considering I'm doing what I can in Linux, and we know how bad it is to do game-related stuff in linux without a partner pc to help with the streaming. The program lockups are a pain.
Again, nothing happening with VeTu, it's still a beta that could and hopefully will improve.
This program is awesome! Thank you so much for creating it! May I offer a suggestion, I use animated pngs so I was wondering if it's possible to add a transition slot where it's optional to upload a certain gif for every transition to an expression so it flows more smoothly? If i were to compare it, moreso like a 'stinger' on obs that pops up every time you change into a scene. Would like to know your thoughts about it!
Im so far loving it a lot and plan to use it for streams and stuff but for some reason it messes with my mouse a lot like makes it all jittery and weird even after I close the application any idea on why this is
hello! I was setting up my stream yesterday and I have all my PNG in place it was working for the last stream now it just says I'm not talking my mic works on everything except veado and when I click on the mic mine doesn't show up no mics show up for that matter how do I fix this? it was working fine before.
i dont wanna start an argument nor do i support NFTs but you're telling me that if someone supports buying images they can't use streaming software??? same with most of the options in the TOS, it just kinda seems like you're gatekeeping ppl
NFTs hurt the environment and is an all around a shitty thing to do. Its lazy and is used for money laundering.
The creator can ban terrible people from their program if they want.
"Someone supports buying images" is so fucking stupid, that's not even what nfts are. Again, nfts are disgusting and anyone who supports nfts are dicks and lazy. Support small creators. Literally get a commission, you'd get a better drawing and you'll be helping a smaller creator.
idrc about nfts but i think a good tos seperates opinions and software, for example it has nothing to do with say the military, and even prevents the military from using the software?? its used for a virtual character and should be seperated from that since its not involving that
i'm not bothered, just kind of confused. of course as others are saying in the replies its your software your terms and thats true. just trying to give constructive criticism, not trying to offend anybody involed :P
Honestly, this does bother me a little bit. Military service is mandatory in Israel and probably other countries too. It's not very fair to say that all people in the military are bad when some people don't even have a choice about it.
Hi i want to open it but i keep getting popups that it wont open, i read the troubleshooting page but when i click more info it still wont let me open, i also tried the 32 bit version and nothing changed :(
edit: nvm fixed it by searching windows defender smartscreen and opening the first app and turning off check apps and files
great program and easy to use, but for some reason its broken atm when using it with obs game capture. i have to use window capture. it happened after i enabled twitch integrations so maybe that broke it???
Hey, I've been having a mic issue lately, sometimes it will recognize my mic and work normally but sometimes it just stops picking up audio, right on the spot.
PD: Veadotube is the only app that loses the ability to use the mic
my app is practically blacking out the screen... I used it normally a few seconds ago and suddenly it was like this. I used the DirectX force method, but it still didn't work. I use Windows 7 32bit system.
whats the hex code for the green colour bg? i'd like to add a gif as the open mouth states but it keeps adding a black bg behind the second and so on frames
I am however facing a minor problem when using it (not sure if i should report this here sorry in advance if not i can remove and submit where appropriate)
On linux the app seems to only be able to use a buffer size of 256 for the audio which is good in theory for realtime audio i guess but my stack is barely able to handle it, I run pipewire and am getting alot of xruns (errors) because this can only run at a buffer size of 256 and if i try to manually increase it (i usually run 1024) it doesnt work anymore (the audio detection is all wonky and the puppet doesnt really move)
So if I want to use it i just have to deal with the audio errors which cause crackling and such which is less than ideal.
Other than that linux specific (and probably pipewire) issue great soft !
Love how simple this program is. It's LEAGUES easier to use than the Live2D/Vtube Studio combo, and great if you have a few different avatars you like to use. If you're interested in suggestions, there's a few things I'd love to see that I think could really elevate this already really great program!
-Emote hotkeys, where pressing a hotkey would let me switch to a different state, go though an animation in that state once, and then automatically swap back to the previous state. This would be great for something like a "hello" emote, being able to swap to a short animation of my avatar waving before going back to the original state, just by pressing the hotkey. Perhaps a timer could achieve this without having to make a whole different system for it? So
-Stickers, like the ability to import a few PNGs/APNGs/GIFS which you can either leave on the background to leave them stationary, or "stick" to the model where they'd follow the movement. This could be fun for something like changing hats or sunglasses, or other accessories. Currently to achieve this I just have a folder of hats in OBS, but I'd really love them to move with my model, or to be able to add other little effects around my character.
-Hotkey to swap to a different model, for avatars with multiple forms, so each of the forms can have its own unique states.
But so far, adoring the program. I'm excited to see development continue on the big version, too! This is going to be super handy for me.
Thank you so so much for the feedback!! I assure you the big version will have pretty much all of that, but Luna might be able to consider a way to do something similar to the first suggestion on mini ;D until then thank you for the support and we hope you have fun!!!
Very! But there's a few ways people have come up to solve that, if you're looking to get audio from say discord to have your friends be included as minis, you can use OBSninja to have multiple minis from different computers :] hopefully in the future we'll find more ways to improve this and allow for more audio and multi-stream features. Hope you'll continue supporting us until then <3
I was thinking of Voiceattack. I have a "butler" character that responds when I change my scenes and OBS is.. being a pain with turning off and on his PNG. X3 I was thinking of using this to just.. do all the heavy lifting of PNG on/PNG off.
"Vi-aaaaado, que programa perfeeeeito" Seriously, this is great stuff, I even started looking into any kind of *expression* recognition software to press the hotkeys instantly, and there's probably a handful of them around, but I'd have to implement code myself :p Which I can't yet. But this is certainly a good starting point for the videos I'd like to do, and the type of avatar I want to use! Left a follow for the full version!
I'm having an issue where my character isn't appearing on OBS and when he does, nothing happens, almost as if it's frozen, any idea on how to fix this?
I'm also having this issue. The app is working okay but on OBS the character that is being displayed would stay frozen on just one frame. Any solution found to this?
when i select my mic it doesnt connect and when i talk it does nothing even when i mess with the sliders. i also cannot import images, change hotkeys and more.
is there any way to make transparency except obs green screen removing? that is pretty tricky for me because my characters tend to have the whole spectrum of colors and with green screens they tend to get cross-cutting bullet holes XD
I'm running two copies of veadotube locally, each hooked up to a different mic, and the program works flawlessly in this situation, but OBS and many other capture programs have trouble distinguishing the two instances. Is there a way to customize the application title in the title bar so the streaming software doesn't mix them up?
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I dont know how to make it stay on the right/left of your screen and in the window of the game im playing. Also, i dont know how to make the gray into transparent. If you have any tips on how to make it functional, please tell me, that would help alot!
Hey there, I'm here looking for info on the "transparent" setting and stumbled on your comment. Did you figure things out? If not, here's a few tips:
Choose one of the basic BG colors. It's fine, believe me.
On OBS (or your streaming program of choice) you need to add a new window or game source (Not sure why I can't get a game source from OBS in Linux. eh). Choose Veadotube Mini and add a chroma key filter on it. Adjust the similarity settings as you see fit depending on your avatar colors.
Make sure the avatar source is on top of the actual game source, so it's showing over your game.
You might need to shrink the avatar down on OBS, just select the source and you can use the highlighted contour to reduce size.
I haven't used it for anything yet. But just saying AAAAA into the microphone and having the deer in the tube cry, as thought I was the deer is already a lot of fun:) Thank you for this:)
I just want to say, I use this program so much! I am so excited to hear of your 2D animation Veadotube. Any word of what quarter of the year it will be released?
i definitely wanna finish the full app this year but i can't say more than that for now!
As somebody who has been using this amazing program for about half a year, I'd love to suggest some ideas that would be pretty helpful. I understand that some may be complicated and that some may not get in soon (as I'm aware, your current focus is to develop the full version of veadotube), I just want to give a transparent idea on what I'd love to see, in the hopes some of the ideas get into the program in a future:
- A option to create an extra UI window, so you don't have to bring the UI to manually change between states and between .veadomini files for seamless avatar changing. Basically, by adding this option, there would be a UI window that doesn't show on streams. This would allow us to use the UI without ruining the illusion of V-Tubing to anybody.
- State categories. Usually, toggleable accesories take hotkeys, which in my case, I'm limited to the about 10 keys that are very rarely used by PC games, as using XInput confuses a few counted games. Normally, some options in my avatar are "same but with a helmet" which usually duplicates the amount of states, so two hotkeys to swap between these two would save me quite the amount of hotkeys.
- Transition/start images. This specially would help through the use of GIFs to make more alive PNGs. Mostly in-betweens to let users make natural transitions between states. In a personal case, this would save me from one specific issue. To make a helmet's visor open and close, I need a state for both animations, along the open and closed states for expressions, which totals to 10 hotkeys. (help i'm running out of them)
This said, I appreciate this software quite a lot and I wish you luck in developing the full version! I hope it will be as comfortable as veadotube mini is in comparison to basically almost every VTubing program out there. Even if not, I already have veadotube mini, which for me is far than enough.
All good suggestions, but I'm gonna put my personal backing to the "Transition/Start Images" suggestion as I was literally just about to suggest it myself!
It would make the idea I have involving a TV "changing channels" to a new expression so much more doable :)
Yes! Also, it would allow for some cool transition animations with some proper inbetweens. Let's say your character wears a hat and you want to have a hatless version, with an animation where the character removes their hat or puts it on accordingly. This is of course, a simple idea, but think of the many possibilities.
This is where the transitions and state categories can work so amazingly. My main issue is that controller-based keybinds ruin controller-based games (things such as jumping ingame every time you use the "angry" state), while keyboard-based keybinds have the chance of getting in the way of controls (I had to use special characters such as Ñ or Ç for the most important states, and then bind them to a controller with no game support so there is no problem with it. Of course, I'd love to be able to squeeze as much states, as there's only a good few keys that work without getting in the middle of gameplay.
About transitions between expressions, a wee bit of coding on OBS hotkey commands might do that. You code Veadotube to use some unintrusive hotkeys (which might be kinda hard) and make actual hotkeys on OBS, so that when you press the actual expression, it takes notice of what was last pressed, presses a transition key for half a second, and then the actual expression hotkey. This is a bunch of if/else logic with some time windows between them.
I have no idea how to make macros or hotkeys work on OBS tho, I just know (or think) they exist :v
I'm running my avatar on Ñ and Ç, so while it could be a useful gimmick, it still works from when the system is aware of said transition, which kinda is a hotkey dilemma. I have the hotkeys mapped in a controller that Veado can't read (SPOILER: it's a quite old model that most modern software doesn't care about so I found a good use to it that way, and personally, I prefer that way, as it doesn't get in the way with games due to it being a controller recognized by the games themselves.
Of course, being able to code the program would be far more useful than adding more hotkeys to the mix, which is kinda my complaint, as there's very few unintrusive hotkeys available. State categories also would make some ideas seamless. For example, with my avatar, I have the option to change the clothes, which means I have to hide my avatar, load the veado file for the other version, and then reveal it so the interface doesn't show (the UI is perfect, but UIs absolutely get in the middle of the purpose of vtubing so having a sort of second window for the UI controls would be absolutely appreciated in a future update)
I gueeeess a stream deck would help with that, but yeah, I get the whole thing with the ui appearing during stream if you put the mouse over the window. Also, I had a few minor problems with hotkeys too, but nothing too bad considering I'm doing what I can in Linux, and we know how bad it is to do game-related stuff in linux without a partner pc to help with the streaming. The program lockups are a pain.
Again, nothing happening with VeTu, it's still a beta that could and hopefully will improve.
can anyone help it says downloadfailed and i dont know what to do?
This program is awesome! Thank you so much for creating it! May I offer a suggestion, I use animated pngs so I was wondering if it's possible to add a transition slot where it's optional to upload a certain gif for every transition to an expression so it flows more smoothly? If i were to compare it, moreso like a 'stinger' on obs that pops up every time you change into a scene. Would like to know your thoughts about it!
I appreciate this tool so much <3 Thanks so much for your time and energy
Easy to set up but with nice features like different states, blinking etc.. I'm gonna use it from now on in my streams. Thank you so much!
how do i get to the green screen grid thing so i can start making?
Im so far loving it a lot and plan to use it for streams and stuff but for some reason it messes with my mouse a lot like makes it all jittery and weird even after I close the application any idea on why this is
On a mac, can't exit fullscreen mode. Or, connect on mac to OBS or Streamlabs OBS. Wondering what to do to?
hello! I was setting up my stream yesterday and I have all my PNG in place it was working for the last stream now it just says I'm not talking my mic works on everything except veado and when I click on the mic mine doesn't show up no mics show up for that matter how do I fix this? it was working fine before.
I've made an avatar. Now i want to use it for streaming and recording purposes...
How can i connect it to Streamlabs/OBS
There's a YT vid I watched that explains how (skip to 8:24):
Que mal Que no se puede en movil
i dont wanna start an argument nor do i support NFTs but you're telling me that if someone supports buying images they can't use streaming software??? same with most of the options in the TOS, it just kinda seems like you're gatekeeping ppl
NFTs hurt the environment and is an all around a shitty thing to do. Its lazy and is used for money laundering.
The creator can ban terrible people from their program if they want.
"Someone supports buying images" is so fucking stupid, that's not even what nfts are. Again, nfts are disgusting and anyone who supports nfts are dicks and lazy. Support small creators. Literally get a commission, you'd get a better drawing and you'll be helping a smaller creator.
idrc about nfts but i think a good tos seperates opinions and software, for example it has nothing to do with say the military, and even prevents the military from using the software?? its used for a virtual character and should be seperated from that since its not involving that
there are lots of other apps and tools out there if you're so bothered by me setting boundaries for myself and the things i create
i'm not bothered, just kind of confused. of course as others are saying in the replies its your software your terms and thats true. just trying to give constructive criticism, not trying to offend anybody involed :P
Honestly, this does bother me a little bit. Military service is mandatory in Israel and probably other countries too. It's not very fair to say that all people in the military are bad when some people don't even have a choice about it.
yeah! thats what im trying to say i didnt mean to hurt anyone :D
Hi i want to open it but i keep getting popups that it wont open, i read the troubleshooting page but when i click more info it still wont let me open, i also tried the 32 bit version and nothing changed :(
edit: nvm fixed it by searching windows defender smartscreen and opening the first app and turning off check apps and files
great program and easy to use, but for some reason its broken atm when using it with obs game capture. i have to use window capture. it happened after i enabled twitch integrations so maybe that broke it???
found the solution, i had to -force-d3d11 my way through it. no idea why it suddenly broke with dx12 but oh well thats unity
OBS no longer has game capture on Mac. How do I use Veadotube mini without it?
Hey, I've been having a mic issue lately, sometimes it will recognize my mic and work normally but sometimes it just stops picking up audio, right on the spot.
PD: Veadotube is the only app that loses the ability to use the mic
my app is practically blacking out the screen... I used it normally a few seconds ago and suddenly it was like this. I used the DirectX force method, but it still didn't work. I use Windows 7 32bit system.
whats the hex code for the green colour bg? i'd like to add a gif as the open mouth states but it keeps adding a black bg behind the second and so on frames
https://veado.tube/en/troubleshooting/#mac-damaged 👍
I love this app !
I am however facing a minor problem when using it (not sure if i should report this here sorry in advance if not i can remove and submit where appropriate)
On linux the app seems to only be able to use a buffer size of 256 for the audio which is good in theory for realtime audio i guess but my stack is barely able to handle it, I run pipewire and am getting alot of xruns (errors) because this can only run at a buffer size of 256 and if i try to manually increase it (i usually run 1024) it doesnt work anymore (the audio detection is all wonky and the puppet doesnt really move)
So if I want to use it i just have to deal with the audio errors which cause crackling and such which is less than ideal.
Other than that linux specific (and probably pipewire) issue great soft !
Love how simple this program is. It's LEAGUES easier to use than the Live2D/Vtube Studio combo, and great if you have a few different avatars you like to use. If you're interested in suggestions, there's a few things I'd love to see that I think could really elevate this already really great program!
-Emote hotkeys, where pressing a hotkey would let me switch to a different state, go though an animation in that state once, and then automatically swap back to the previous state. This would be great for something like a "hello" emote, being able to swap to a short animation of my avatar waving before going back to the original state, just by pressing the hotkey. Perhaps a timer could achieve this without having to make a whole different system for it? So
-Stickers, like the ability to import a few PNGs/APNGs/GIFS which you can either leave on the background to leave them stationary, or "stick" to the model where they'd follow the movement. This could be fun for something like changing hats or sunglasses, or other accessories. Currently to achieve this I just have a folder of hats in OBS, but I'd really love them to move with my model, or to be able to add other little effects around my character.
-Hotkey to swap to a different model, for avatars with multiple forms, so each of the forms can have its own unique states.
But so far, adoring the program. I'm excited to see development continue on the big version, too! This is going to be super handy for me.
Thank you so so much for the feedback!! I assure you the big version will have pretty much all of that, but Luna might be able to consider a way to do something similar to the first suggestion on mini ;D until then thank you for the support and we hope you have fun!!!
can you please make an alternative way to download this i need it for streaming on twitch and i cant download form here for some reason
This tool is pretty awesome.
can you please make an apk version of this i would be so greatful
will there ever be a feature to edit blink frequency?
How hard would it be to have this app capture audio from a program natively?
Very! But there's a few ways people have come up to solve that, if you're looking to get audio from say discord to have your friends be included as minis, you can use OBSninja to have multiple minis from different computers :] hopefully in the future we'll find more ways to improve this and allow for more audio and multi-stream features. Hope you'll continue supporting us until then <3
I was thinking of Voiceattack. I have a "butler" character that responds when I change my scenes and OBS is.. being a pain with turning off and on his PNG. X3 I was thinking of using this to just.. do all the heavy lifting of PNG on/PNG off.
"Vi-aaaaado, que programa perfeeeeito"
Seriously, this is great stuff, I even started looking into any kind of *expression* recognition software to press the hotkeys instantly, and there's probably a handful of them around, but I'd have to implement code myself :p Which I can't yet. But this is certainly a good starting point for the videos I'd like to do, and the type of avatar I want to use! Left a follow for the full version!
I'm having an issue where my character isn't appearing on OBS and when he does, nothing happens, almost as if it's frozen, any idea on how to fix this?
The character not appearing is an OBS issue you can read more about here: https://obsproject.com/forum/threads/laptop-black-screen-when-capturing-read-her...
No clue if it being frozen is related to the same issue :/ that's something you'll have to check with them sadly. Wishing you good luck!!!
I'm also having this issue. The app is working okay but on OBS the character that is being displayed would stay frozen on just one frame. Any solution found to this?
when i select my mic it doesnt connect and when i talk it does nothing even when i mess with the sliders. i also cannot import images, change hotkeys and more.
mic doesn't connect/mic does nothing: https://veado.tube/en/troubleshooting/#microphone-doesnt-work
cannot import images: could be multiple things, here's a few possibilities https://veado.tube/en/troubleshooting/#error-when-click-to-open https://veado.tube/en/troubleshooting/#file-dialog-doesnt-select-images https://veado.tube/en/troubleshooting/#images-wont-load
cannot change hotkeys: https://veado.tube/en/troubleshooting/#hotkeys-wont-work
hope this helps!!
is there any way to make transparency except obs green screen removing? that is pretty tricky for me because my characters tend to have the whole spectrum of colors and with green screens they tend to get cross-cutting bullet holes XD
Excelente programa! Le hicimos un tutorial *0* está genial
Lo amo! Funciona perfectamente!
I'm running two copies of veadotube locally, each hooked up to a different mic, and the program works flawlessly in this situation, but OBS and many other capture programs have trouble distinguishing the two instances. Is there a way to customize the application title in the title bar so the streaming software doesn't mix them up?
Im on ipad but every time i open the file its empty :|
Can you plz help me?
This is PC software you will not be able to use it on an iPad. You need Windows macOS or linux.
wuh oh the file says it may be harmful for my computer that is sad
it's not I promise <3 https://veado.tube/en/troubleshooting/#app-wont-open
May I request that blinking could have an adjustable delay on both how often it can be done and for how long?